

【傻瓜常识与考试系列 General Knowledge And Test For Dummies】[pdf] (MU)

中 文名: 傻瓜常识与考试系列
原名: General Knowledge And Test For Dummies
作者: Geraldine Woods 等
图书分类: 教育/科技
资源 格式: PDF
版本: 最新版
出 版社: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
书 号: ISBN: 978-0-470-38640-8
发行时间: 2009 年
地 区: 美国
语言: 英 文

傻瓜常识与考试系 列.Speed.Reading.Dummies.pdf


这本书 旨在帮助你加快阅读速度,告诉你阅读技巧,打破你的不良阅读习惯,提高你的注意力,扩大你的词汇量并更多的 扩大视野范围浏览更多的文字

The fun and easy way to become a more efficient, effective reader!
Want to read faster — and recall more of what you read? This practical, hands-on guide gives you the techniques you need to increase your reading speed and retention, whether you're reading books, e-mails, magazines, or even technical journals! You'll find reading aids and plenty of exercises to help you read faster and better comprehend the text.

Yes, you can speed read — discover the skills you need to read quickly and effectively, break your bad reading habits, and take in more text at a glance

Focus on the fundamentals — widen your vision span and see how to increase your comprehension, retention, and recall

Advance your speed-reading skills — read blocks of text, heighten your concentration, and follow an author's thought patterns

Zero in on key points — skim, scan, and preread to quickly locate the information you want

Expand your vocabulary — recognize the most common words and phrases to help you move through the text more quickly

常 识与考试系列.AP.English.Language.&.Composition.For.Dummies.pdf


Gearing up for the AP English Language and Composition test? AP English Language & Composition For Dummies is packed with all the resources and help you need to do your very best. In this AP study guide, you’ll find winning test-taking tips, multiple-choice strategies, and essay guidelines, as well as great advice on optimizing your study time and hitting the top of your game on test day.
This user-friendly guide helps you prepare without perspiration by developing a pre-test plan, organizing your study time, and getting the most out or your AP course. You’ll learn how to assemble your writer’s toolkit, expand your vocabulary, analyze sentences and paragraphs, understand rhetorical approaches, perfect your grammar, and paint pictures with words. Two full-length practice exams help you build your confidence, get comfortable with test formats, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and focus your studies. Discover how to:

Create and follow a pretest plan
Understand everything you must know about the exam
Develop a multiple-choice strategy
Speed up your essay writing
Find painless ways to become a better writer
Avoid mistakes that will lower your score
Interpret non-fiction writing
Write about graphs and charts
Make the most of practice exams to maximize your final score

你是否为AP英语语言和作文测试而发愁?傻瓜会告诉你更多的应试技巧,组织并优化你的学习时间。您 将了解如何扩大词汇量,分析句子和段落,理解修辞方法,完善你的语法和文字。

傻瓜常 识与考试系列.Teaching.English.as.a.Foreign.language.for.Dummies.pdf


Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Dummies
Learn to:
Put an EFL course programme together from scratch
Let your students loose in skills classes – from reading to listening
Deliver grammar lessons in a logical and intuitive way
Cope with different age groups and capabilities
English as a Foreign Language teacher and trainer
Your one–stop guide to a career that will take you places

If you thought that teaching a language that′s second nature to you would be easy, think again! Explaining grammar, or teaching correct pronunciation while simultaneously developing your own skills as a teacher can be a huge challenge. Whether you′re on a training course or have already started teaching, this book will help launch your career and give you the confidence and expertise you need to be a brilliant teacher.

Make an educated decision – decide between the various courses, qualifications and job locations available to you
Start from scratch – plan well–structured lessons and develop successful and effective teaching techniques
Focus on skills – from reading and writing, to listening and speaking, get your students sounding and feeling fluent
Get your head around grammar – teach students to put sentences together, recognise tenses and use adjectives and adverbs
All shapes and sizes – tailor your lessons to younger learners, one–to–ones, exam classes and Business English learners

让 傻瓜来告诉你作为老师如何应对不同年龄和能力学生,来教授他们英语,并提高他们的听说读写能力。

傻瓜常识与考试系 列.AP.English.Literature.&.Composition.For.Dummies.pdf


Yes, you can pass the AP English Literature and Composition exam with ease! Just brush the dust off your thinking cap and get a little help from AP English Literature and Composition For Dummies. It gets you up to speed on all the topics and themes of the AP exam in a focused, step-by-step manner.
Beginning with an exam overview and ways to get the most out of an AP English class, this book has it all: long- and short-range planning advice, detailed chapters that discuss the four main literary genres, and two full-length practice exams — complete with detailed answer explanations and scoring guides. It helps you perfect the skills you need to get your best possible score. Two bonus appendixes provide a full list of teacher-recommended titles to choose from for the open-ended essay, as well as a quick grammar review to address the fundamentals of superior essay writing. Discover how to:

Get familiar with the exam format and the types of questions you’ll face
Figure out what the questions are really asking
Maximize your score on multiple-choice questions
Write effectively and eloquently about poetry, prose, and drama
Prepare for paired passages and craft a clever open-ended essay
Annotate poetry and prose like an expert

是的,你可以轻松通过AP英语文学与作文的考试!傻瓜会给你:长期和 短期备考计划提供意见,同时提醒及告诉你要点,还会用评分的标准指南。

傻瓜常识与考 试系列.Real.Estate.License.Exams.for.Dummies.pdf


Every year, thousands of Americans make the leap to an exciting, rewarding new career in real estate. If real estate is your dream career, passing the real estate license exam is the first step to success. With real estate basics and unbeatable study tips, Real Estate License Exams For Dummies will help you pass the test with flying colors — and get your new career off to a great start.
If you want to get the best possible score on the exam, you need the kind of practical test preparation guidance you’ll find here — all at a much cheaper price than you’d pay for a test preparation seminar or class. Real Estate License Exams For Dummies covers all the basics on:

How — and what — to study
Knowing what to expect on test day
Developing the math skills you’ll need
Understanding your state’s license laws and procedures
Different exam formats
In addition to helping you get a great score on the test and get licensed, this handy guide also covers the basics of the real estate business itself — from legal issues to taxes to contracts. For anyone preparing for the license exam, or just thinking about taking it, this unbeatable study guide answers all your most vital questions on:

Careers and job opportunities in real estate
How commissions and other forms of payment work
Working independently or for an agency
Federal fair housing laws you should know
Land and ownership rights
Owning through partnerships, cooperatives, and corporations
Deeds, mortgages, and closings
Types of real estate contracts and agreements
Environmental regulations
Valuation and property appraisal
Financing and taxes
Using real estate as an investment vehicle

每年,成千上万的美国人冲向房地产谋求发展。如果你热衷房地产,那么通过房地产执照考试 是成功的第一步。傻瓜房地产执照考试会给你普及基础知识帮助您通过测试 - 让您新的职业生涯开了个好头。



Filled with enjoyable spelling activities and exercises

The fun and easy way? to help your K-5th grader become an A+ speller

If you want to make spelling easier for your child or boost spelling skills and confidence, you've come to the right place. Veteran reading specialist Tracey Wood gives you tips, games, exercises, word lists, and memory aids to help your child build solid spelling know-how. Her techniques are fun, fast, and effective, and best of all, they're not boring!

Discover how to
* Mix spelling practice with reading and writing
* Spell short and long vowel words
* Make spelling easier with word families
* Gain insight into "sight" words
* Break spelling into syllable chunks

如果 您想让您的孩子学会拼写且更容易拼写单词,你来对地方了。傻瓜从单词列表,练习,游戏的角度帮助孩子掌握拼写诀窍。



傻瓜常识与考试 系列.AP.English.Language.&.Composition.For.Dummies.pdf

傻瓜常识与考试系 列.Teaching.English.as.a.Foreign.language.for.Dummies.pdf

傻瓜常识与考试系 列.AP.English.Literature.&.Composition.For.Dummies.pdf




【闯荡】胡可 沙溢 (MU)

沙溢 ------饰杨树林   

讲述了新世纪之初,一帮来自黄土高原 的80后——乡村下岗民办教师唐秋燕、复员军人杨树林、怀揣明星梦的毛眼眼、机灵鬼金龙鱼前往东海打工。
秋燕看到进城打工者子女上学难的问题便 兴办了民工子弟学校,一步步发展成为东海市的模范学校;为了解决农民工的就业技能,其后又开办了“米脂婆姨”家政公司,培训和输出家政服务人员,并成功的 将自己的“米脂婆姨”品牌推广到了香港和东南亚,虽然经历不少风雨,最后也享受到了成功的喜悦。而树林也发挥了做建筑的特长,将一个装修队发展成“绥德 汉”建筑公司。


1. EP01
2. EP02
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13. EP13
14. EP14
15. EP15
16. EP16
17. EP17
18. EP18
19. EP19
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21. EP21
22. EP22
23. EP23
24. EP24
25. EP25
26. EP26
27. EP27
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29. EP29
30. EP30


【朋友一场】袁立 姜超 刘惠 刘威 (MU)

演员:袁立 姜超 刘惠
类型:情 感 家庭 都市
人的一生总会有这样那样的朋友,但这是一个非同寻常的关于朋友的故事。它有爱有恨,有笑有泪,实实在在,真真切切,就发生在你我他的身边。故事讲述的是史 进----这个已进入四十不惑之年的老好人重情重义勇往直前的经历。史进有一个朋友叫老毕,当初史进下岗做了几样生意赔了后,想买一辆车跑出租,是老毕借 他钱买了车,史进对他一直心存感激。老毕经营的工厂遇到了资金困难,史进以个人名义帮着他筹款,在借钱过程中出现了不少尴尬和黑色幽默,让史进深刻体会到 了社会和人生的杂陈五味,但最终还是替老毕借到了十八万块钱,连父母养老的钱都拿来了。
  史进引火上身,妻子喜梅大发一通雷霆,可还是帮着丈夫把朋友的钱还上了,连出租车都卖了。但当喜梅发现史进仍在管老毕的家人,又替老毕的妻子金珠还 债之后,大为不满,一家人被闹得内外交困、鸡犬不宁。面对种种困难,史进顶住各种压力,坚持把正濒临倒闭的厂子搞得红火起来。
  就在史进取得成功的时候,当初卷钱跑到外地的老毕被情人坑骗,并且锒铛入狱。史进对大家说,其实老毕是我的恩人,没有他我一生大概一事无成。他还是 把老毕接了回来。


1. EP01
2. EP02
3. EP03
4. EP04
5. EP05
6. EP06
7. EP07
8. EP08
9. EP09
10. EP10
11. EP11
12. EP12
13. EP13
14. EP14
15. EP15
16. EP16
17. EP17
18. EP18
19. EP19
20. EP20
21. EP21
22. EP22
23. EP23
24. EP24
25. EP25
26. EP26
27. EP27
28. EP28


【我们怎样发现了HOW WE FOUND OUT ABOUT】Isaac Asimov [pdf] (MU)

中 文名: 我们怎样发现了
作 者: 艾萨克·阿西莫夫 Isaac Asimov
译者: 边学愚 次庚
图书分类: 文 学
资源格式: PDF
版本: 文 字版
出版社: 地质出版社
书号: 13038·新 27
发行时间: 1984 年
地 区: 大陆
语言: 简 体中文

这部小丛书是适合于少年儿童阅读的自然科学普及读物。作者艾萨克·阿西莫夫不但在美国享有盛名,而且是一位蜚声世界科普文坛的巨匠。阿西莫夫于 1920 年 1 月 2 日出生在苏联斯摩棱斯克的彼得洛维奇,双亲是犹太人。他于1923年随父亲迁居美国,1928 年入美国籍。四十余年来,共写出了二百五十部脍炙人口的著作,其涉猎领域之广泛令人瞠目:从莎士比亚到科学小说,从恐龙到黑洞……渊博的学识和巨大的成就 使他成了一位传奇式的人物。对此,美国著名天文学家兼科普作家卡尔·萨根说过:阿西莫夫“是一位文艺复兴时代的巨人,但是他生活在今天。 ”
纵观阿西莫夫的主要科普著作,大抵都有这样一些特色:背景广阔,主线鲜明,布局得体,结构严谨,推理严密,叙述生动,史料详尽,进展唯新。这些特色,在他 的大部分作品中固然有充分的体现,即使在这部小丛书中同样也随处可见。

我们怎样发现了——地球是圆的.[美]艾萨克·阿西莫 夫,边学愚译
1.地球是平的吗 1
2.消失的星星 7
3.逐渐消失的帆船 14
4.地球的阴影 19
5. 地球的 大小 23

1.摩擦与引 力 1
2.导体与非导体 8
3.电流与电瓶 14
4.正电荷与负电荷 20
5.电池和发电机 28

我 们怎样发现了——数字.[美]艾萨克·阿西莫夫,赵莉译
1.数字与手指 1
2.数字与写法 7
3.数字与罗马人 12
4. 数字与字母表 17
5.数字与零 23
6.数字与世界 29
7.数字与中国 33

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【揭秘系列 Demystified】(共35本) [pdf] (MU)

[揭秘系列-统计学]McGraw- Hill.-.Statistics.Demystified.-.A.Self- Teaching.Guide.-.2004.pdf

[揭秘系列-日常生活中的数学 Everyday.Math.Demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-微积 分]Calculus.Demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-线性代 数]linear_algebra_demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-概率 论]probability_demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-天文 学]Astronomy.Demystified.pdf

[秘系列-化 学]Chemistry.Demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-物 理].Physics.Demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-科学计算软 件]Mathematica7.0.Demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-科学计算软 件]MATLAB.Demystified.Apr.2007.pdf

[揭秘系列-商务统 计]Business.Statistics.Demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-商品期货交 易]Commodities.Demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-解剖 学]Anatomy.Demystified.-.A.Self-Teaching.Guide.pdf

[揭秘系列-微分方 程]Differential.Equations.Demystified.pdf

[揭 秘系列-公司理财]Corporate.Finance.-.Demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-电子电 路]Electronics.DeMystified.A.Self-Teaching.Guide.pdf

[揭 秘系列-离散数学]Discrete.Mathematics.Demystified.pdf

[揭 秘系列-投资]Investing.Demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-C加 加]C.Demystified,.A.Self-Teaching.Guide.pdf

[揭秘系列-地球科 学]Earth.Science.Demystified.-.A.Self-Teaching.Guide.pdf

[揭秘系列-生理 学]Physiology.Demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-几何 学]Geometry_demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-药理 学]Pharmacology.Demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-数字视 频]Video.Demystified.6th.Ed.pdf

[揭秘系列-高级微积 分]Advanced_Calculus_Demystified_.pdf

[揭秘系列-大学代 数]College.Algebra.Demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-三角 学]Trigonometry.Demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-代 数]Algebra.Demystified.(2003).pdf

揭秘系列-复变函 数]Complex.Variables.Demystified.pdf

[揭 秘系列-机器人]Robotics.Demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-微观经济 学]MicroEconomics.DeMystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-数学证 明]Math.Proofs.Demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-期 权]Options.Demystifiedl.pdf

[揭秘系列-相对 论]Relativity.Demystified.pdf

[揭秘系列-生物 学]Biology.Demystified.pdf


【傻瓜商业之个人财务及投资系列】[pdf] (MU)

中 文名: 傻瓜商业之个人财务及投资系列
原 名: Business—Personal Finance & Investments for Dummies
作者: Eric Tyson 等
图 书分类: 经济管理
资 源格式: PDF
版 本: 最新版
出版社: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
书 号: ISBN: 978-0-470-50693-6
发 行时间: 2009 年
地 区: 香港
语言: 英文

下 载链接:

傻瓜个人投资及商业系列 Personal.Finance.Dummies

傻瓜个人投资 及 商业系列 Managing.Your.Money.All-In- One.for.Dummies

傻瓜个人投资 及 商业系列 Commodities.for.Dummies

傻瓜个人投资及商业系列 Precious.Metals.Investing.For.Dummies



最畅销的个人理财傻瓜已经帮助了无数的读者预算资金成功,遏制债务,并建立了坚实的基础,拓展未来。现在,知名金融顾问埃里克泰森结合他的经过时间考验的 同时,以他的战略,反映不断变化的市场条件,给你一个好于以往任何时候都更新财务指导意见,以采取一种在当前金融健康诚实的外观和现实的目标设定为未来。

在内部,你会发现跟踪开支,减少开支,并从下获得高息债务负担进行技术。泰森解释了用简单的英语基础知识的投资,以及风险,收益,投资选择,以及流行的投 资策略。他还讲解了如何节省高校和特别活动,驯服你的税收,财政上生存的波折,生活提供。

Now updated-the proven guide to taking control of your finances

The bestselling Personal Finance For Dummies has helped countless readers budget their funds successfully, rein in debt, and build a strong foundation for the future. Now, renowned financial counselor Eric Tyson combines his time-tested financial advice along with updates to his strategies that reflect changing market conditions, giving you a better-than-ever guide to taking an honest look at your current financial health and setting realistic goals for the future.

Inside, you'll find techniques for tracking expenditures, reducing spending, and getting out from under the burden of high-interest debt. Tyson explains the basics of investing in plain English, as well as risks, returns, investment options, and popular investment strategies. He also covers ways to save for college and special events, tame your taxes, and financially survive the twists and turns that life delivers.

傻瓜个人投资及商业系列Managing.Your.Money.All-In- One.for.Dummies


Want to take control of your finances once and for all? Managing Your Money All-in-One For Dummies combines expert money management with personal finance tips. From credit cards and insurance to taxes, investing, retirement, and more, seven mini-books show you how to improve your relationship with money — no matter your age or stage of life.
This easy-to-understand guide shows you how to assess your financial situation, calculate debt, prepare a budget, trim spending, boost your income, and improve your credit score. You’ll find ways to run a money-smart household, reduce waste, and cut medical and transportation expenses as you tackle your debt head-on and develop good saving habits. You’ll even get help choosing the right mortgage and avoiding foreclosure, saving for college or retirement, and determining your home-, car-, and life insurance needs. Discover how to:

Take charge of your finances
Manage home and personal finances
Lower your taxes and avoid tax audits
Plan a budget and scale back on expenses
Deal with debt and negotiate with creditors
Save and invest safely for college or retirement
Protect your money and assets from fraud and identity theft
Ensure a comfortable retirement
Plan your estate and safeguard a will or trust

傻瓜理财的个人理财技巧到 专家理财于一身的。内容覆盖从信用卡和保险,税收,投资,退休等等,告诉您如何评价您的财务状况,债务,预算,削减开支,增加你的收入,并提高您的信用。



Since 2002, commodities have outperformed every other asset class including stocks, mutual funds and real estate. If you’re itching to get in on the fun and profit, Commodities For Dummies is the resource you need to find out how to break into the commodities market and understand how to trade and prosper.
You’ll discover:

How commodities stack up against other investment vehicles
How to identify, manage, and overcome risk
The pros and cons of futures, equities, ETFs and mutual funds
Specific techniques for analyzing and trading in commodities
Powerful profits in energy—crude oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear, and alternatives
What you need to know about trading in metals—precious and not-so-precious
How to grow your portfolio with farm products
Featuring time-tested rules for investment success, this comprehensive, user-friendly guide helps you minimize risk, maximize profit, and find the shortest route to Easy Street.


傻瓜个人投资及商业系列 Precious.Metals.Investing.For.Dummies


In recent years, metals have been among the safest and most lucrative investments around, but they are not entirely risk free. Before you begin investing or trading in metals, you need authoritative information and proven investment strategies. You need Precious Metal Investing For Dummies.
This straightforward guide eases you into the precious metals market with sound advice on trading and owning these profitable investments, including gold, silver, platinum, and uranium, as well as high-demand base metals such as zinc and copper. You’ll learn how to research their market performance and choose among an array of proven trading plans and strategies. Plus, you’ll get savvy advice on how to choose a broker, buy stocks and futures that involve metals, maximize your investment return, and minimize your risk. Discover how to:

Evaluate the different metals
Add metals to your portfolio
Decide whether you’re an investor or a trader
Identify your metal-investment goals
Weigh the risks and benefits of metals investing
Buy physical metals
Use technical analysis to evaluate opportunities
Make long-term investments in precious metals
Diversify your metals investments
Analyze base-metals companies
Purchase numismatic coins
Add metals to your mutual fund or ETF portfolio
Understand how politics effects metals prices



傻瓜个人投资及商业系列 Personal.Finance.Dummies

傻瓜个人投资及 商业系列 Managing.Your.Money.All-In- One.for.Dummies

傻瓜个人投资及 商业系列 Commodities.for.Dummies

傻瓜个人投资及商业系列 Precious.Metals.Investing.For.Dummies

【项目管理-计划、进度和控制的系统方法(第7版)】(美)Harold Kerzner 中译本 扫描版[PDF] (MU)

中 文名: 项目管理-计划、进度和控制的系统方法(第7版)
原 名: Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, 7th Edition
作者: (美)Harold Kerzner
译者: 杨爱华 杨磊 王增东肖艳颖
图 书分类: 教育/科技
资 源格式: PDF
版 本: 中译本,扫描版
出版社: 电子工业出版社
书 号: 978-7505378100
发 行时间: 2002年09月
地 区: 大陆
语言: 简体中文




哈罗德·科兹纳(Harold Kerzner),现任美国一流企业与跨国公司的资深咨询顾问和培训师。著作有:《项目管理计划、进度和控制的系统方法》等。


这本书是为商业和工程专业的本科生和研究生设计的。本书的结构体系是基于我个人对项目管理的认识,我认为它更大程度上是一门实践(艺术),而不是一般的定 量(分析)。前5章是了解项目管理的最基础、最核心的部分。第6章至第8章讨论支持职能,如时间管理、冲突管 理以及其他特殊问题。第9章和第10章讨论了高层管理者的参与和预测项目成功的关键成功因素。也许你会感到费解:有关组织行为和结构的前10章是计划、进 度安排和控制等"核心"章节的前备知识。前10章是体系框架,它们对项目和体系的文化环境的发展是必需的。这些章节对于读者了解在项目实施中跨职能协调的 困难和人们参与的原因是必需的。参与项目的人也许有着不同的工作背景,不可能很容易地、毫无磨擦地溶入一个关系紧密的工作群体中。第11章至第15章大量 讲解了项目计划、进度计划、成本控制和预算。第16章介绍时间、成本和效益的平衡。第17章至第24章涵盖了项目管理的更加高深的话题,以及项目管理未来 的发展趋势。



【趣谈:200个人们普遍忽略的问题】(英)约翰·劳埃德 & 约翰·米奇森 编著 [PDF] (MU)

中 文名: 趣谈:200个人们普遍忽略的问题
作者: (英)约翰·劳埃德
(英)约翰·米奇森 编著
译者: 王张华 等译
图 书分类: 人文社科
资 源格式: PDF
出版社: 广西科学技术出版社
书 号: 9787806666197
发 行时间: 2007年08月01日
地 区: 大陆
语言: 简体中文

托马斯-爱迪生曾称:我们连世间万物的百万分之一都还没弄明白;马克-吐温认为只是学好数学,就得花上八百万年;伍迪·艾伦甚至说,在知识长河的深处,流 淌的可能有可口的饮料,但更多的只是漱口水而已。
  这是一本从英国BBC(英国广播公司)热门电视节目“QI” (“Quite Interesting”,意为“相当有趣”)中挑选出来的有关普遍性的误解和常识的图书,本书与2006年9月播出的电视节目同步推出。
  如果你从未看过“QI”节目,你将会为你还有那么多不懂的东西而感到惊讶:从很大很陌生的星系到很小很熟悉的亚原子粒子,以及致使的土拨鼠、黑色的胡 萝卜、 色盲的公牛和长在树上的丝瓜络…… 这些是你在学校里学不到的知识,但却是现实世界中的东西:宇宙不是黑色的,变色龙不能随环境变色,希特勒并不是素食主义者……

