

【傻瓜健康系列 Health for Dummies】(共四册) )[pdf] (MU)

中文名: 傻瓜健康系列图书
原 名: Health for Dummies
作 者: Alexandra Jamieson 等
图 书分类: 生活
资 源 格式: PDF
出版社: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
书 号: ISBN: 978-0-470-52214-1
发 行时间: 2008 年
地 区: 美国
语 言: 英文


【傻瓜健康系列 Health for Dummies】Vegetarian Dummies.pdf

【傻瓜健康系列 Health for Dummies】Living Vegan Dummies.pdf

【傻瓜健康系列 Health for Dummies】Medical Terminology For Dummies.pdf

【傻瓜健康系列 Health for Dummies】Complementary Medicine For Dummies.pdf


【傻瓜健康系列 Health for Dummies】Living Vegan Dummies.pdf

你有想过成为一个素食主义者吗?或者你已经开始尝试素食?目前美国有300多万人过着素食主义者的生活,而且这个数字正在增加。傻瓜生活素食是您的作为了 解 素食的一本书。通过这本书,您可以把保持生命的素食方式分享给您的朋友和他们的亲人。

Are you thinking about becoming a vegan? Already a practicing vegan? More than 3 million Americans currently live a vegan lifestyle, and that number is growing. Living Vegan For Dummies is your one-stop resource for understanding vegan practices, sharing them with your friends and loved ones, and maintaining a vegan way of life.

This friendly, practical guide explains the types of products that vegans abstain from eating and consuming, and provides healthy and animal-free options. You'll see how to create a balanced, nutritious vegan diet; read food and product labels to determine animal-derived product content; and stock a vegan pantry. You'll also get 40 great-tasting recipes to expand your cooking repertoire.

Features expert guidance in living a vegan lifestyle and explaining it to friends and family
Includes proper dietary guidelines so you can get the nutrition you need gives you several action plans for making the switch to veganism, provides parents with everything they need to understand and support their children's choices.

【傻瓜健康系列 Health for Dummies】Living Vegetarian Dummies.pdf


您是否还在考虑是否让自己或家人吃素?您是否想知道素食的安全程度,或者你想知道的是素食能否得到适量的营养?这个权威指南讲告诉您 有关生活素食主义者的饮食,以及涉及蔬菜美味的菜肴,水果,谷物和奶制品的所有的答案。

Practical ways to explore and adapt a vegetarian lifestyle

Are you considering a vegetarian diet for yourself or your family? Wondering if it's safe and how you'll get the right amount of nutrients? This authoritative guide has all the answers you need about living vegetarian, featuring healthful advice as well as delicious dishes involving vegetables, fruits, grains, and dairy.

Inside you'll find expert advice on adopting a vegetarian lifestyle, from creating a vegetarian shopping list and understanding the nutritional aspects of vegetarian eating, to using the right cooking supplies to vegetarian etiquette, eating out, and converting a kitchen-and your family's mindset-away from meat. You'll discover how to make it work when you're the only member of the house who is vegetarian, as well as how to support a family member, including a child.

Provides the latest information on vegetarian diets as they relate to health, the environment, and other areas of our lives includes tips for gradually reducing your meat intake explains the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle offers dozens of new recipes designed to ease the transition from omnivore to vegetarian

【傻瓜健康系列 Health for Dummies】Medical Terminology For Dummies.pdf

今天傻瓜医学术语让你认识医疗术语,并帮助你掌握 基础医学的定义,一些发音,并把它们应用到卫生保健领域。一旦你明白医疗词语的前缀,后缀和词根的话,你就会有信心看懂您甚至不熟悉的医疗词组。

Confused by medical terms? Don’t know a carcinoma from a hematoma? Medical Terminology For Dummies gets you up to speed quickly on medical terminology fundamentals and helps you master medical definitions, pronunciations, and applications across all health care fields. Once you understand medical prefixes, suffixes, and root words, you’ll approach even unfamiliar medical terms with confidence.

This plain-English guide to language that can be just plain confusing clears up the meanings of the Greek and Latin sources of medical terms. You’ll get a handle on how these mouthfuls are constructed, and discover how to decipher any medical term, no matter how complex or unusual. You’ll also get plenty of help in pronouncing and remembering medical words, and you’ll find out how and why the terminology changes from hospital to laboratory to pharmacy.

You’ll discover how to:
Understand word foundations and origins
Grasp the essential meanings of unfamiliar terms
Define common prefixes and suffixes
Identify and pronounce medical terms
Deconstruct words to grasp definitions
Use plurals and multiples with ease
Describe medical conditions accurately
Bone up on terms that describe the anatomy
Use mnemonic devices to remember medical terms
Know when words refer to diseases, injuries, treatments, and more
Use medical terminology in the real world

【傻瓜健康系列 Health for Dummies】Complementary Medicine For Dummies.pdf

无论你是想保持身材还是 想减轻病症带来的不适,本书通过调节饮食到针灸治疗到瑜珈和按摩,告诉你你现阶段最需要什么
A comprehensive guide to what’s what and what works in complementary medicine, this expert guide cuts through the jargon and gives you the facts about the alternatives. Whether you are interested in maintaining your general well-being or relieving the symptoms of a specific complaint, this book outlines all of the therapies available to you – from acupuncture through healing foods to yoga and massage - and tells you what each treatment is most effective for, how to go about finding a practitioner and what to expect from a consultation.


【傻瓜健康系列 Health for Dummies】Vegetarian Dummies.pdf

【傻瓜健康系列 Health for Dummies】Living Vegan Dummies.pdf

【傻瓜健康系列 Health for Dummies】Medical Terminology For Dummies.pdf

【傻瓜健康系列 Health for Dummies】Complementary Medicine For Dummies.pdf

