中 文名: 傻瓜数学系列系列
原名: Math For Dummies
作 者: Scott Hatch, J.D. and Lisa Hatch, M.A. 等
图书分类: 教 育/科技
资源格式: PDF
版本: 最 新版
出版社: Wiley Publishing. Inc.
书 号: ISBN: 978-0-7645-9653-7
发行时间: 2006 年
地 区: 美国
语言: 英 文
傻瓜数学系列 微积分练习册 Calculus Workbook For Dummies
傻 瓜数学系列 微分方程 Differential Equations For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 微分方程练习册 Differential Equations Workbook For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 基础数学与初等代数 Basic Math and Pre-Algebra For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 基础数学与初等代数练习册 Basic Math and Pre-Algebra For Dummies Workbook
傻瓜数学系列 统计2 Statistics II For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 逻辑学 Logic For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 代数2 Algebra II For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 中级统计学 Intermediate Statistics For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 微积分2 Calculus II for Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 概率 Probability for Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 线性代数 Linear Algebra For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 数学应用问题 Math Word Problems for Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 微积分练习册 Calculus Workbook For Dummies

内 容简介
From differentiation to integration - solve problems with ease
Got a grasp on the terms and concepts you need to know, but get lost halfway through a problem or, worse yet, not know where to begin? Have no fear! This hands-on guide focuses on helping you solve the many types of calculus problems you encounter in a focused, step-by-step manner. With just enough refresher explanations before each set of problems, you'll sharpen your skills and improve your performance. You'll see how to work with limits, continuity, curve-sketching, natural logarithms, derivatives, integrals, infinite series, and more!
傻瓜微积分练习册亲手指导并帮助你解决一个个难点,一步步提高你计算中遇到各种各样的问题的。教你如 何使用极限,连续性,曲线,对数,积分等
傻瓜数学系列 微分方程 Differential Equations For Dummies

内 容简介
Many of the fundamental laws of physics, chemistry, biology, and economics can be formulated as differential equations. This plain-English guide explores the many applications of this mathematical tool and shows how differential equations can help us understand the world around us. Differential Equations For Dummies is the perfect companion for a college differential equations course and is an ideal supplemental resource for other calculus classes as well as science and engineering courses. It offers step-by-step techniques, practical tips, numerous exercises, and clear, concise examples to help readers improve their differential equation-solving skills and boost their test scores.
许 多物理,化学,生物学的基本法律,经济问题都可归结为微分方程。傻瓜微分方程是大学微分方程中的最佳伴侣,是一种理想的微积分课程的其他补充资源,以及科 学和工程课程。它提供了一步一步的技术,实用技巧,多练习,清晰,简明的例子来帮助读者提高差分方程的技巧,增强他们的测试成绩。
傻 瓜数学系列 微分方程练习册 Differential Equations Workbook For Dummies

Making Everything Easier!
Differential Equations Workbook for Dummies
Make sense of these difficult equations
Improve your problem-solving skills
Practice with clear, concise examples
Score higher on standardized tests and exams
Steven Holzner, PhD
Author, Differential Equations For Dummies
Get the confidence and the skills you need to master differential equations!
Need to know how to solve differential equations? This easy-to-follow, hands-on workbook helps you master the basic concepts and work through the types of problems you'll encounter in your coursework. You get valuable exercises, problem-solving shortcuts, plenty of workspace, and step-by-step solutions to every equation. You'll also memorize the most-common types of differential equations, see how to avoid common mistakes, get tips and tricks for advanced problems, improve your exam scores, and much more!
想要知道如何解决微分方程么?这本简单易懂,手把手的练习册帮助你掌握的基本概念并通过 的各类习题,解决你遇到的问题。给你宝贵的练习,解决问题的捷径和循序渐进逐步解决方程的每一个步骤。您还会了解到如何避免常见的错误,得到解决问题的技 巧。有了它提高的不只是你的考试!
傻瓜数学系列 基础数学与初等代数 Basic Math and Pre-Algebra For Dummies

Whether you're a student preparing to take algebra or a parent who wants to brush up on basic math, this fun, friendly guide has the tools you need to get in gear. From positive, negative, and whole numbers to fractions, decimals, and percents, you'll build necessary skills to tackle more advanced topics, such as imaginary numbers, variables, and algebraic equations.
Understand fractions, decimals, and percents
Unravel algebra word problems
Grasp prime numbers, factors, and multiples
Work with graphs and measures
Solve single and multiple variable equations
无论你是一名准备参加代数考试的学生或愿意基本的数 学辅导孩子的父母。这本有趣,简洁明了的傻瓜基础数学与初等代数通过对正数,负数,分数,小数和百分数的讲解,帮你建立解决此类问题的基本技能技能,并了 解诸如虚数,变量等更高级的主题。
傻瓜数学系列 统计2 Statistics II For Dummies

Need to expand your statistics knowledge and move on to Statistics II? This friendly, hands-on guide gives you the skills you need to take on multiple regression, analysis of variance (ANOVA), Chi-square tests, nonparametric procedures, and other key topics. Statistics II For Dummies also provides plenty of test-taking strategies as well as real-world applications that make data analysis a snap, whether you're in the classroom or at work.
傻瓜统计学第二部从基础开始到审查统计重再 到扩大我在简单线性回归,置信区间,并假设检验。让你学习怎样做预测,用ANOVA方差分析 - 方差分解表,单向和双向方差分析......
傻 瓜数学系列 逻辑学 Logic For Dummies

Logic concepts are more mainstream than you may realize. There’s logic every place you look and in almost everything you do, from deciding which shirt to buy to asking your boss for a raise, and even to watching television, where themes of such shows as CSI and Numbers incorporate a variety of logistical studies. Logic For Dummies explains a vast array of logical concepts and processes in easy-to-understand language that make everything clear to you, whether you’re a college student of a student of life. You’ll find out about:
Formal Logic
Constructing proofs and refutations
Propositional and predicate logic
Modal and fuzzy logic
Symbolic logic
Deductive and inductive reasoning
傻瓜数学系列之逻辑用易于理解的语言使你明白关于逻辑的知识。您将了解:形式逻辑、 三段论、构建证明和驳斥、命题逻辑、模糊逻辑、符号逻辑、演绎和归纳推理
傻瓜数学系列 代数2 Algebra II For Dummies

内 容简介
Besides being an important area of math for everyday use, algebra is a passport to studying subjects like calculus, trigonometry, number theory, and geometry, just to name a few. To understand algebra is to possess the power to grow your skills and knowledge so you can ace your courses and possibly pursue further study in math.
Algebra II For Dummies is the fun and easy way to get a handle on this subject and solve even the trickiest algebra problems. This friendly guide shows you how to get up to speed on exponential functions, laws of logarithms, conic sections, matrices, and other advanced algebra concepts. In no time you’ll have the tools you need to:
Interpret quadratic functions
Find the roots of a polynomial
Reason with rational functions
Expose exponential and logarithmic functions
Cut up conic sections
Solve linear and non linear systems of equations
Equate inequalities
Simplifyy complex numbers
Make moves with matrices
Sort out sequences and sets
傻瓜代数II是的用乐趣轻松地方式了解并解决代数问题。这家指南告诉您如何解决指数函数,对数规律,圆锥曲线,矩阵代数和其他 先进的概念。
傻瓜数学系列 中级统计学 Intermediate Statistics For Dummies

Need to know how to build and test models based on data? Intermediate Statistics For Dummies gives you the knowledge to estimate, investigate, correlate, and congregate certain variables based on the information at hand. The techniques you’ll learn in this book are the same techniques used by professionals in medical and scientific fields.
Picking up right where Statistics For Dummies left off, this straightforward, easy-to-follow book guides you beyond Central Limit Theorem and hypothesis tests and immerses you in flavors of regression, ANOVA, and nonparametric procedures. Unlike regular statistics books, this guide provides full explanations of intermediate statistical ideas; computer input dissection; an extensive number of examples, tips, strategies, and warnings; and clear, concise step-by-step procedures—all in a language you can understand. You’ll soon discover how to:
Analyze data and base models off of your data
Make predictions using regression
Compare many means with ANOVA
Test models using Chi-square
Dealing with abnormal data
this guide provides full explanations of intermediate statistical ideas; computer input dissection; an extensive number of examples, tips, strategies, and warnings; and clear, concise step-by-step procedures—all in a language you can understand.
这本统计指南详实地提供了中级统计学的一系列观点的解释。用清晰,简明的语言一步步让你理解中级 统计学。
傻瓜数学系列 微积分2 Calculus II for Dummies

Calculus II is a prerequisite for many popular college majors, including pre-med, engineering, and physics. Calculus II For Dummies offers expert instruction, advice, and tips to help second semester calculus students get a handle on the subject and ace their exams. It covers intermediate calculus topics in plain English, featuring in-depth coverage of integration, including substitution, integration techniques and when to use them, approximate integration, and improper integrals. This hands-on guide also covers sequences and series, with introductions to multivariable calculus, differential equations, and numerical analysis. Best of all, it includes practical exercises designed to simplify and enhance understanding of this complex subject.
傻瓜微积分II以帮助学生深入的学习微积分,了解更多的相关知识。这指南还包括多变量微积分,微分方程介绍和数值分 析等。
傻瓜数学系列 概率 Probability for Dummies

Packed with practical tips and techniques for solving probability problems
Increase your chances of acing that probability exam -- or winning at the casino!
Whether you're hitting the books for a probability or statistics course or hitting the tables at a casino, working out probabilities can be problematic. This book helps you even the odds. Using easy-to-understand explanations and examples, it demystifies probability -- and even offers savvy tips to boost your chances of gambling success!
Discover how to
* Conquer combinations and permutations
* Understand probability models from binomial to exponential
* Make good decisions using probability
* Play the odds in poker, roulette, and other games
无论你是在上概率统计课程或 是想去赌场试试运气,这本书将帮助你理解概率,甚至告诉一些小技巧,以增加赌博的成功的几率!
傻瓜数学系列 线性代数 Linear Algebra For Dummies

Does linear algebra leave you feeling lost? No worries —this easy-to-follow guide explains the how and the why of solving linear algebra problems in plain English. From matrices to vector spaces to linear transformations, you'll understand the key concepts and see how they relate to everything from genetics to nutrition to spotted owl extinction.
Line up the basics — discover several different approaches to organizing numbers and equations, and solve systems of equations algebraically or with matrices
Relate vectors and linear transformations — link vectors and matrices with linear combinations and seek solutions of homogeneous systems
Evaluate determinants — see how to perform the determinant function on different sizes of matrices and take advantage of Cramer's rule
Hone your skills with vector spaces — determine the properties of vector spaces and their subspaces and see linear transformation in action
Tackle eigenvalues and eigenvectors — define and solve for eigenvalues and eigenvectors and understand how they interact with specific matrices
线性代数是否老是打击你数学的信心?别担心,让傻瓜数学系 列来帮助你。从矩阵到向量空间的线性变换,会让你从最基本最简单的例子自己发现其中的要诀。
傻瓜数学系列 数学应用问题 Math Word Problems for Dummies

Get a grip on all types of word problems by applying them to real life
Are you mystified by math word problems? This easy-to-understand guide shows you how to conquer these tricky questions with a step-by-step plan for finding the right solution each and every time, no matter the kind or level of problem. From learning math lingo and performing operations to calculating formulas and writing equations, you'll get all the skills you need to succeed!
Discover how to:
Translate word problems into plain English
Brush up on basic math skills
Plug in the right operation or formula
Tackle algebraic and geometric problems
Check your answers to see if they work
傻 瓜数学系列 基础数学与初等代数练习册 Basic Math and Pre-Algebra For Dummies Workbook

When you have the right math teacher, learning math can be painless and even fun! Let Basic Math and Pre-Algebra Workbook For Dummies teach you how to overcome your fear of math and approach the subject correctly and directly. A lot of the topics that probably inspired fear before will seem simple when you realize that you can solve math problems, from basic addition to algebraic equations. Lots of students feel they got lost somewhere between learning to count to ten and their first day in an algebra class, but help is here!
Begin with basic topics like interpreting patterns, navigating the number line, rounding numbers, and estimating answers. You will learn and review the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Do remainders make you nervous? You’ll find an easy and painless way to understand long division. Discover how to apply the commutative, associative, and distributive properties, and finally understand basic geometry and algebra. Find out how to:
Properly use negative numbers, units, inequalities, exponents, square roots, and absolute value
Round numbers and estimate answers
Solve problems with fractions, decimals, and percentages
Navigate basic geometry
Complete algebraic expressions and equations
Understand statistics and sets
Uncover the mystery of FOILing
Answer sample questions and check your answers
这本练习册会帮助您掌握:正确使用负数,单位,不等 式,指数,平方根,绝对值等基础数学知识
傻瓜数学系列 微积分练习册 Calculus Workbook For Dummies
傻 瓜数学系列 微分方程 Differential Equations For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 微分方程练习册 Differential Equations Workbook For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 基础数学与初等代数 Basic Math and Pre-Algebra For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 基础数学与初等代数练习册 Basic Math and Pre-Algebra For Dummies Workbook
傻瓜数学系列 统计2 Statistics II For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 逻辑学 Logic For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 代数2 Algebra II For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 中级统计学 Intermediate Statistics For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 微积分2 Calculus II for Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 概率 Probability for Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 线性代数 Linear Algebra For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 数学应用问题 Math Word Problems for Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 微积分练习册 Calculus Workbook For Dummies
傻 瓜数学系列 微分方程 Differential Equations For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 微分方程练习册 Differential Equations Workbook For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 基础数学与初等代数 Basic Math and Pre-Algebra For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 基础数学与初等代数练习册 Basic Math and Pre-Algebra For Dummies Workbook
傻瓜数学系列 统计2 Statistics II For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 逻辑学 Logic For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 代数2 Algebra II For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 中级统计学 Intermediate Statistics For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 微积分2 Calculus II for Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 概率 Probability for Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 线性代数 Linear Algebra For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 数学应用问题 Math Word Problems for Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 微积分练习册 Calculus Workbook For Dummies

内 容简介
From differentiation to integration - solve problems with ease
Got a grasp on the terms and concepts you need to know, but get lost halfway through a problem or, worse yet, not know where to begin? Have no fear! This hands-on guide focuses on helping you solve the many types of calculus problems you encounter in a focused, step-by-step manner. With just enough refresher explanations before each set of problems, you'll sharpen your skills and improve your performance. You'll see how to work with limits, continuity, curve-sketching, natural logarithms, derivatives, integrals, infinite series, and more!
傻瓜微积分练习册亲手指导并帮助你解决一个个难点,一步步提高你计算中遇到各种各样的问题的。教你如 何使用极限,连续性,曲线,对数,积分等
傻瓜数学系列 微分方程 Differential Equations For Dummies

内 容简介
Many of the fundamental laws of physics, chemistry, biology, and economics can be formulated as differential equations. This plain-English guide explores the many applications of this mathematical tool and shows how differential equations can help us understand the world around us. Differential Equations For Dummies is the perfect companion for a college differential equations course and is an ideal supplemental resource for other calculus classes as well as science and engineering courses. It offers step-by-step techniques, practical tips, numerous exercises, and clear, concise examples to help readers improve their differential equation-solving skills and boost their test scores.
许 多物理,化学,生物学的基本法律,经济问题都可归结为微分方程。傻瓜微分方程是大学微分方程中的最佳伴侣,是一种理想的微积分课程的其他补充资源,以及科 学和工程课程。它提供了一步一步的技术,实用技巧,多练习,清晰,简明的例子来帮助读者提高差分方程的技巧,增强他们的测试成绩。
傻 瓜数学系列 微分方程练习册 Differential Equations Workbook For Dummies

Making Everything Easier!
Differential Equations Workbook for Dummies
Make sense of these difficult equations
Improve your problem-solving skills
Practice with clear, concise examples
Score higher on standardized tests and exams
Steven Holzner, PhD
Author, Differential Equations For Dummies
Get the confidence and the skills you need to master differential equations!
Need to know how to solve differential equations? This easy-to-follow, hands-on workbook helps you master the basic concepts and work through the types of problems you'll encounter in your coursework. You get valuable exercises, problem-solving shortcuts, plenty of workspace, and step-by-step solutions to every equation. You'll also memorize the most-common types of differential equations, see how to avoid common mistakes, get tips and tricks for advanced problems, improve your exam scores, and much more!
想要知道如何解决微分方程么?这本简单易懂,手把手的练习册帮助你掌握的基本概念并通过 的各类习题,解决你遇到的问题。给你宝贵的练习,解决问题的捷径和循序渐进逐步解决方程的每一个步骤。您还会了解到如何避免常见的错误,得到解决问题的技 巧。有了它提高的不只是你的考试!
傻瓜数学系列 基础数学与初等代数 Basic Math and Pre-Algebra For Dummies

Whether you're a student preparing to take algebra or a parent who wants to brush up on basic math, this fun, friendly guide has the tools you need to get in gear. From positive, negative, and whole numbers to fractions, decimals, and percents, you'll build necessary skills to tackle more advanced topics, such as imaginary numbers, variables, and algebraic equations.
Understand fractions, decimals, and percents
Unravel algebra word problems
Grasp prime numbers, factors, and multiples
Work with graphs and measures
Solve single and multiple variable equations
无论你是一名准备参加代数考试的学生或愿意基本的数 学辅导孩子的父母。这本有趣,简洁明了的傻瓜基础数学与初等代数通过对正数,负数,分数,小数和百分数的讲解,帮你建立解决此类问题的基本技能技能,并了 解诸如虚数,变量等更高级的主题。
傻瓜数学系列 统计2 Statistics II For Dummies

Need to expand your statistics knowledge and move on to Statistics II? This friendly, hands-on guide gives you the skills you need to take on multiple regression, analysis of variance (ANOVA), Chi-square tests, nonparametric procedures, and other key topics. Statistics II For Dummies also provides plenty of test-taking strategies as well as real-world applications that make data analysis a snap, whether you're in the classroom or at work.
傻瓜统计学第二部从基础开始到审查统计重再 到扩大我在简单线性回归,置信区间,并假设检验。让你学习怎样做预测,用ANOVA方差分析 - 方差分解表,单向和双向方差分析......
傻 瓜数学系列 逻辑学 Logic For Dummies

Logic concepts are more mainstream than you may realize. There’s logic every place you look and in almost everything you do, from deciding which shirt to buy to asking your boss for a raise, and even to watching television, where themes of such shows as CSI and Numbers incorporate a variety of logistical studies. Logic For Dummies explains a vast array of logical concepts and processes in easy-to-understand language that make everything clear to you, whether you’re a college student of a student of life. You’ll find out about:
Formal Logic
Constructing proofs and refutations
Propositional and predicate logic
Modal and fuzzy logic
Symbolic logic
Deductive and inductive reasoning
傻瓜数学系列之逻辑用易于理解的语言使你明白关于逻辑的知识。您将了解:形式逻辑、 三段论、构建证明和驳斥、命题逻辑、模糊逻辑、符号逻辑、演绎和归纳推理
傻瓜数学系列 代数2 Algebra II For Dummies

内 容简介
Besides being an important area of math for everyday use, algebra is a passport to studying subjects like calculus, trigonometry, number theory, and geometry, just to name a few. To understand algebra is to possess the power to grow your skills and knowledge so you can ace your courses and possibly pursue further study in math.
Algebra II For Dummies is the fun and easy way to get a handle on this subject and solve even the trickiest algebra problems. This friendly guide shows you how to get up to speed on exponential functions, laws of logarithms, conic sections, matrices, and other advanced algebra concepts. In no time you’ll have the tools you need to:
Interpret quadratic functions
Find the roots of a polynomial
Reason with rational functions
Expose exponential and logarithmic functions
Cut up conic sections
Solve linear and non linear systems of equations
Equate inequalities
Simplifyy complex numbers
Make moves with matrices
Sort out sequences and sets
傻瓜代数II是的用乐趣轻松地方式了解并解决代数问题。这家指南告诉您如何解决指数函数,对数规律,圆锥曲线,矩阵代数和其他 先进的概念。
傻瓜数学系列 中级统计学 Intermediate Statistics For Dummies

Need to know how to build and test models based on data? Intermediate Statistics For Dummies gives you the knowledge to estimate, investigate, correlate, and congregate certain variables based on the information at hand. The techniques you’ll learn in this book are the same techniques used by professionals in medical and scientific fields.
Picking up right where Statistics For Dummies left off, this straightforward, easy-to-follow book guides you beyond Central Limit Theorem and hypothesis tests and immerses you in flavors of regression, ANOVA, and nonparametric procedures. Unlike regular statistics books, this guide provides full explanations of intermediate statistical ideas; computer input dissection; an extensive number of examples, tips, strategies, and warnings; and clear, concise step-by-step procedures—all in a language you can understand. You’ll soon discover how to:
Analyze data and base models off of your data
Make predictions using regression
Compare many means with ANOVA
Test models using Chi-square
Dealing with abnormal data
this guide provides full explanations of intermediate statistical ideas; computer input dissection; an extensive number of examples, tips, strategies, and warnings; and clear, concise step-by-step procedures—all in a language you can understand.
这本统计指南详实地提供了中级统计学的一系列观点的解释。用清晰,简明的语言一步步让你理解中级 统计学。
傻瓜数学系列 微积分2 Calculus II for Dummies

Calculus II is a prerequisite for many popular college majors, including pre-med, engineering, and physics. Calculus II For Dummies offers expert instruction, advice, and tips to help second semester calculus students get a handle on the subject and ace their exams. It covers intermediate calculus topics in plain English, featuring in-depth coverage of integration, including substitution, integration techniques and when to use them, approximate integration, and improper integrals. This hands-on guide also covers sequences and series, with introductions to multivariable calculus, differential equations, and numerical analysis. Best of all, it includes practical exercises designed to simplify and enhance understanding of this complex subject.
傻瓜微积分II以帮助学生深入的学习微积分,了解更多的相关知识。这指南还包括多变量微积分,微分方程介绍和数值分 析等。
傻瓜数学系列 概率 Probability for Dummies

Packed with practical tips and techniques for solving probability problems
Increase your chances of acing that probability exam -- or winning at the casino!
Whether you're hitting the books for a probability or statistics course or hitting the tables at a casino, working out probabilities can be problematic. This book helps you even the odds. Using easy-to-understand explanations and examples, it demystifies probability -- and even offers savvy tips to boost your chances of gambling success!
Discover how to
* Conquer combinations and permutations
* Understand probability models from binomial to exponential
* Make good decisions using probability
* Play the odds in poker, roulette, and other games
无论你是在上概率统计课程或 是想去赌场试试运气,这本书将帮助你理解概率,甚至告诉一些小技巧,以增加赌博的成功的几率!
傻瓜数学系列 线性代数 Linear Algebra For Dummies

Does linear algebra leave you feeling lost? No worries —this easy-to-follow guide explains the how and the why of solving linear algebra problems in plain English. From matrices to vector spaces to linear transformations, you'll understand the key concepts and see how they relate to everything from genetics to nutrition to spotted owl extinction.
Line up the basics — discover several different approaches to organizing numbers and equations, and solve systems of equations algebraically or with matrices
Relate vectors and linear transformations — link vectors and matrices with linear combinations and seek solutions of homogeneous systems
Evaluate determinants — see how to perform the determinant function on different sizes of matrices and take advantage of Cramer's rule
Hone your skills with vector spaces — determine the properties of vector spaces and their subspaces and see linear transformation in action
Tackle eigenvalues and eigenvectors — define and solve for eigenvalues and eigenvectors and understand how they interact with specific matrices
线性代数是否老是打击你数学的信心?别担心,让傻瓜数学系 列来帮助你。从矩阵到向量空间的线性变换,会让你从最基本最简单的例子自己发现其中的要诀。
傻瓜数学系列 数学应用问题 Math Word Problems for Dummies

Get a grip on all types of word problems by applying them to real life
Are you mystified by math word problems? This easy-to-understand guide shows you how to conquer these tricky questions with a step-by-step plan for finding the right solution each and every time, no matter the kind or level of problem. From learning math lingo and performing operations to calculating formulas and writing equations, you'll get all the skills you need to succeed!
Discover how to:
Translate word problems into plain English
Brush up on basic math skills
Plug in the right operation or formula
Tackle algebraic and geometric problems
Check your answers to see if they work
傻 瓜数学系列 基础数学与初等代数练习册 Basic Math and Pre-Algebra For Dummies Workbook

When you have the right math teacher, learning math can be painless and even fun! Let Basic Math and Pre-Algebra Workbook For Dummies teach you how to overcome your fear of math and approach the subject correctly and directly. A lot of the topics that probably inspired fear before will seem simple when you realize that you can solve math problems, from basic addition to algebraic equations. Lots of students feel they got lost somewhere between learning to count to ten and their first day in an algebra class, but help is here!
Begin with basic topics like interpreting patterns, navigating the number line, rounding numbers, and estimating answers. You will learn and review the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Do remainders make you nervous? You’ll find an easy and painless way to understand long division. Discover how to apply the commutative, associative, and distributive properties, and finally understand basic geometry and algebra. Find out how to:
Properly use negative numbers, units, inequalities, exponents, square roots, and absolute value
Round numbers and estimate answers
Solve problems with fractions, decimals, and percentages
Navigate basic geometry
Complete algebraic expressions and equations
Understand statistics and sets
Uncover the mystery of FOILing
Answer sample questions and check your answers
这本练习册会帮助您掌握:正确使用负数,单位,不等 式,指数,平方根,绝对值等基础数学知识
傻瓜数学系列 微积分练习册 Calculus Workbook For Dummies
傻 瓜数学系列 微分方程 Differential Equations For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 微分方程练习册 Differential Equations Workbook For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 基础数学与初等代数 Basic Math and Pre-Algebra For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 基础数学与初等代数练习册 Basic Math and Pre-Algebra For Dummies Workbook
傻瓜数学系列 统计2 Statistics II For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 逻辑学 Logic For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 代数2 Algebra II For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 中级统计学 Intermediate Statistics For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 微积分2 Calculus II for Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 概率 Probability for Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 线性代数 Linear Algebra For Dummies
傻瓜数学系列 数学应用问题 Math Word Problems for Dummies