

【傻瓜工艺品及业余爱好系列】[pdf] (MU)

中 文名: 傻瓜工艺品及业余爱好系列
原 名: Crafts and Hobbies for Dummies
作者: Anita Marie Giddings, Sherry Stone Clifton 等
图 书分类: 教 育/科技
资 源格式: PDF
版 本: 最 新版
出版社: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
书 号: ISBN: 978-0-470-18230-7
发 行时间: 2009 年
地 区: 美国
语言: 英文

油画 Oil Painting For Dummies


Nobody ever said that oil painting was easy. But it gets much easier and a lot more fun when you follow a step-by-step approach that starts you off on the right foot, helps you build your skills one at a time, and gives you plenty of exercises to develop your craft. That’s what you’ll find in Oil Painting For Dummies.
Completely free of arty jargon, this full-color guide has all the hands-on instruction you need to master the basics. You’ll see how to plan a painting, build an image in layers, mix colors, and create stunning compositions. You’ll also find everything you need to know about oil paints, solvents, and pigments; brushes, palettes, and painting surfaces; and how to keep costs down at the art supply store. Discover how to:

Choose the right supplies
Set up your studio and care for your equipment
Handle your materials safely
Develop your design and composition skills
Make practice sketches and studies
Use broken stroke, dry brush, glazing, scraffito and other brush strokes
Try out different compositions
Mix any color you want
Simplify tricky still-life subjects
Paint landscapes and common objects out doors
Paint portraits and the human form

这全彩指南上有你需要掌握的基本知识。你会看到一个画如何规划,如何建立分层的图像,颜色组合。您还可以找到所有你需要知道油画颜料,溶剂和颜料,画笔, 调色板,画的表面,以及如何保持艺术供应商店降低成本

漫画 Drawing Cartoons and Comics For Dummies (2009)


Your real-world guide to creating and marketing original cartoons

Do you love comics? Want to become a cartoonist? This practical, hands-on guide is packed with step-by-step instructions and plenty of tips for creating your own cartoons. From inanimate objects to animals to aliens, you can see how to breathe life into your characters and make your cartoons stand out. Plus, you discover how to

Master the basic building blocks — set up your workspace; start creating with pencil, ink, and pens; and fix mistakes
Get the creative juices flowing — find inspiration and formulate your cartoon idea, gag, or concept, and make it work

Create your characters — from their heads to their toes, give your characters personality and presence
Assemble your comic strip — create an effective background, plan your layout, letter your cartoons, create drama, and more
Fine-tune your work — discover the tools and techniques for digitally formatting your comics

Open the book and find:

An overview of the different cartooning genres
Drawing techniques, such as shading and crosshatching
An exploration of body, gender, species, and character types
Tips for developing a cast of characters
The lowdown on drawing editorial cartoons
How to add color to your creations
Ten steps to a finished comic strip
Hints on breaking into the business

你喜欢漫画?希望成为一名漫画家吗?这本傻瓜漫画,手把手的指导和帮创 建您自己的漫画,使你的卡通脱颖而出

编织 Knitting for Dummies


Whether you’re just picking up knitting needles for the first time or you’ve been knitting for years, Knitting For Dummies, 2nd Edition, will be your pattern for knitting success. Have you always wanted to knit, but are just not sure how or where to start? Have you been knitting for years and want to perfect your stitches? As a beginner you will learn…
the tools of the trade
the basics
how to read a pattern
the fundamentals
basic stitches
techniques no knitter should be without
what to do when you make a common mistake
tips for knitting in the round
how to knit some easy projects


折纸 Origami Kit Dummies


Origami Kit For Dummies gives you all the material you need to get started in origami. Included in the kit is an expert guide book to origami, covering the different bases and techniques you need to create a huge variety of models. Illustrations and detailed instructions show you how to make 75 unique models, such as a frog, a settee, fantastic geometric shapes and even a festive Santa! There are also 25 sheets of 5x5" origami paper in five fun colours. So get folding, and show off your creations in style!
Discover How To:
* Get prepared to start folding
* Understand the international language of origami
* Fold all the basic bases
* Source your paper
* Design creations and draw your own diagrams



油画 Oil Painting For Dummies

漫画 Drawing Cartoons and Comics For Dummies (2009)

编织 Knitting for Dummies

折纸 Origami Kit Dummies

【真情母子】江珊 李依玲 王仁君 佟凡 赵越 (MU)

导演 :刘二威、刘娟
主演:江 珊、、李依玲、 王仁君、佟凡、赵越


《真情母子》讲述大学生“顾天亮”因为一次篮球场上的失误导致同学死亡,从而引出了三个家庭的变故,他自己也从逃亡到回归的路上学会了成长,担负起三个家 庭的责任。

亲情伦理大戏《真情母子》由刘二威执导,江珊、李依玲等主演。该剧围绕一个家庭的孩子意外死亡展开,讲述三个家庭因为一个意外死亡的孩子而遭受的种 种伤害和漫长的感情纠葛之旅。其中亲情、爱情、内疚之情、感恩之情将这三个家庭重重包围,逼迫式地考验着他们脆弱的神经,各种纠结情感交织在一起。

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9. EP09
10. EP10
11. EP11
12. EP12
13. EP13
14. EP14
15. EP15
16. EP16
17. EP17
18. EP18
19. EP19
20. EP20
21. EP21
22. EP22
23. EP23
24. EP24
25. EP25
26. EP26
27. EP27
28. EP28
29. EP29
30. EP30
31. EP31
32. EP32
33. EP33
34. EP34
35. EP35
36. EP36
37. EP37
38. EP38
39. EP39
40. EP40


【傻瓜历史系列 大萧条的教训 Lessons Great Depression Dummies】[pdf] (MU)

中文名: 傻 瓜历史系列
原名: History for Dummies
作 者: Sean Lang 等
图书分类: 教育/科技
资源 格式: PDF
版本: 最新版
出 版社: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
书 号: ISBN: 978-0-470-99468-9
发行时间: 2009 年
地 区: 美国
语言: 英 文


Are you worried about the economy? You're certainly not alone. According to most economists, the turmoil that Americans will face over the next four years will be the roughest financial times since the Great Depression-and many are looking backward to learn how to survive an ongoing and sustained economic downturn.

Lessons from the Great Depression For Dummies takes a historic look at the events and circumstances leading up to the 1929 crash and subsequent depression, then the economic aftermath-particularly the economic response. This book paints a historic picture of those times and examines not only the critical failures that led to a decade of depression, but also the positive and negative aftershocks that created the modern American lifestyle. You'll see how the lessons we learned have shaped today's political and financial landscape-and how they'll continue to be part of the American experience for future generations.

傻 瓜历史系列之大萧条的教训让我们了解1929年的崩溃和随之而来的经济衰退的历史风貌。这本书描绘了那个时代的历史图片和检查,你会看到过去的影响如何带 给我们今天的政治和金融业的面貌。


【傻瓜历史系列 大萧条的教训 Lessons Great Depression Dummies】

【傻瓜历史 Conspiracy Theories & Secret Societies For Dummies】[pdf] (MU)

中文名: 傻 瓜历史系列
原名: History for Dummies
作 者: Sean Lang 等
图书分类: 教育/科技
资源 格式: PDF
版本: 最新版
出 版社: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
书 号: ISBN: 978-0-470-99468-9
发行时间: 2009 年
地 区: 美国
语言: 英 文

Entering the world of conspiracy theories and secret societies is like stepping into a distant, parallel universe where the laws of physics have completely changed: black means white, up is down, and if you want to understand what’s really going on, you need a good reference book. That’s where Conspiracy Theories & Secret Societies For Dummies comes in.
Whether you’re a skeptic or a true believer, this fascinating guide, packed with the latest information, walks you through some of the most infamous conspiracy theories — such as Area 51 and the assassination of JFK — and introduces you to such mysterious organizations as the Freemasons, the Ninjas, the Mafia, and Rosicrucians. This behind-the-curtain guide helps you separate fact from fiction and helps you the global impact of these mysterious events and groups on our modern world.

无论你是一个怀疑论者或一个事实的信服者,傻瓜政治系列将会告诉你一些阴谋论 及我们周围的社会,如51区,肯尼迪遇刺,一些组织例如忍者,黑手党,和玫瑰十字会。


【傻瓜历史系列 阴谋论及周围的社会 Conspiracy Theories & Secret Societies For Dummies】

【X特工】丁海峰 张宁益 (MU)





廖正南--丁海峰饰  萧婉茹--张宁益饰

池田敬一--常戎饰 卢兆辉--任泽巍饰 

汪秋霞--刘卓灵饰 松下静子--张大静饰 

佐藤一郎--那志东饰 佐藤一夫--那志东饰 

丁家浩--杜旭东饰 周世尧--刘 波饰 

梅霜霜--张 妍饰 三浦秀子--张妍饰 




  1942年第二次世界大战进入了更加残酷的白热化阶段。美国军部截获日本军方给上海日本驻军一秘密电文,但由于日方采用的是一次性解码系统,美 方无法破译,因此美方要求中方尽快找到日军解码本。于此同时由于叛徒的出卖,日军在上海“特高课”总部“梅机关”汪伪特务组织76号联手对中方上海抗日地 下组织发动了突然袭击,一夜之间,国共在上海地下组织几乎损失殆尽,军统上海站接到重庆密令,立即启动潜伏多年的王牌特工,代号为“铁铲”。令其不惜一切 代价找到日军的解码本,查出敌人这次清剿行动背后的阴谋,同时中共也启动了资深的特工代号为“冰山”。但由于上海地下党组织大部分被破坏,一时与“冰山” 无法取得联系。于是中共延安总部指令,香港地下党派遣新的领导人,潜入上海,并特指示长期潜伏在日伪控制区的金牌特工,汪秋雲;立即协助中方特工,重新恢 复我上海地下抗日组织,设法查清敌人清剿行动背后真正的阴谋是什么。但此情报被日伪特务机关所截获。日军坂田司令命令特高课“梅机关”在24小时内抓获中 方特工。

  廖正南,华夏出版社编辑,军统高级特工,代号“铁铲”,萧婉茹,上海玛莉医院医生,中共特工,表面上廖、萧二人是一个普通家庭的夫妻,实际上分 别是国共两党的高级特工。上海日伪对我方抗日地下组织突然袭击损失惨重。廖、萧二人接到上级指示,分别行动,查清敌人这次清剿行动真正的阴谋。原来敌人为 了一个代号为“鳟鱼行动”的计划做准备。

  汪秋雲在暗中观察着这一切,成功协助,廖、萧等中方特工完成了一次次难以完成的任务,经过了艰难和曲折,终于查清敌人“鳟鱼行动”的真正目地。 敌人的“鳟鱼行动”遭到毁灭性的打击。而我方特工也付出了很大的代价。

  “鳟鱼行动”的失败使日军更加疯狂,他们启动了更加恶毒的计划。日军抽调“731”部队的细菌专家川口龙太郎,秘密潜入上海,建立细菌基地企图 用细菌战来挽回太平洋战场的不利局面。

  中方特工接到指令,不惜一切代价刺杀川口龙太郎,摧毁敌人的“天女计划”汪秋雲情急之下,孤身铤而走险,潜入敌人当中实行刺杀川口龙太郎。但却 遭到敌人的阻击。危急时刻,廖正南赶到,汪秋雲顺利脱险。

   萧婉茹为了救廖正南挺身而出,被日军抓捕。廖、卢营救萧婉茹时,巧入敌人的监狱。在激战中萧婉茹不幸中弹。为了摧毁敌人的“天女计划”,廖正南,卢兆辉, 汪秋雲潜入敌人细菌之地,跟日军展开了激烈的搏杀,卢兆辉为了掩护廖、汪与敌人同归于尽。廖正南,汪秋雲终于摧毁了敌人的细菌试验基地。使敌人的“天女计 划”以完败而告终。


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16. EP16
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21. EP21
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25. EP25